Friday 25 February 2011

Does Love Exist????........ “Feeling Blue”

Hi Friends,
Reading the heading definitely would have brought smile on your face….Isn’t it???
If just the four lettered word can be so full of expressions bringing smile on ones face …think about the feeling one gets into rising in it…. Yes, I am speaking about LOVE.
No offences, but many may disagree saying love can be experienced in form of Parents, siblings n relations attached ever since your birth.
But, I would like to talk about the feelings associated with the one who is in communion of yours due to your likings and emotions. The feelings of possessiveness, belongingness, oneness, and …. (Undisruptive)
Had read, heard and witnessed many sharing these feelings in most beautiful words. I fail; I don’t possess that flair of writing.  “Yet initiating to be explicit.”
Introspecting to oneself, I want to know – “Had I ever witnessed it?” but anyways that is not the concern. The poets acclaim this feeling to be the best in one’s life (It’s not me but their songs) .They get-into every minutest feeling one enjoys in this relationship. Yet, unexplored for me.
“Romance” being a literature student had come across this terminology many a times, but is this just a term??? My heart repents thinking how self inquisitive am I??? Why is that, these questions are just a part of Interrogation to me…. Just check, is this the same case with you? (So many questions…. Offf!!!)
Would like to know from the readers if they could really make me understand – Does Love Really exists?


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